Unconditional support to open the Heart-Soul

Align the body-mind-spirit connection

A path of embodiment, intuition, and union

For Those

  • Needing a space of love and acceptance held

  • Seeking the spark that is their unique soul’s gift and purpose

  • Yearning to find harmony in themselves and with others

  • Seeking ways to overcome stress and reset nervous system

  • Seeking tools to integrate their emotions, mind, body, spirit

  • Wanting to understand and harness natural energies

  • Wanting support from divine mother energy

  • Wanting to learn or experience Ancient Egyptian and Yogic practices

Holding Space as you Remember

a message from Celestial Union’s Founder Celeste Blake

It is my honor to see the unique gift of the soul that each of us carries, and be able to hold this knowing as you work to remove the blockages standing in the way of your true path. I hope to be a conduit to your inner light so it may guide you to your heart’s path. I am deeply rooted in Ancient Egyptian and Yogic traditions and carry the deep wisdom into our journey together.

Everyone’s path to understanding the complex relationship between their mind, body, and soul is different. There are many paths to finding your truth. A 1:1 mentorship is for those who wish to have deep space of love and direction held as they begin their soul’s journey. Solo sessions in a variety of lineages and offerings and personal/group retreats are also ways to dive into a deeper knowing. Set up a FREE 15 minute call to discuss what feels most aligned for you.

Tools for Finding Union

  • This is typically a 12 week mentorship of 1 hr call each week [Can be tailored] This is all intuitive to the needs in the moment. We will talk through any blockages in your life or creation wanting to be expressed. This will be followed by suggestions or practices of the wisdom, practices, and rituals of Ancient Egyptian, yogic practices, energy work, reiki, and more. Learn more here.

  • Work with the energies of the ancient Egyptian energies, called Neters, to find healing within yourself, your relation to the world, and relation to others around you. This may include energy work, ritual, foot bath, massage of the Ba, connection and meditation with natural energies [gods and goddess of Ancient Egypt], and more. Learn about the ancient wisdom here.

  • From Amazonian indigenous tribe of Peru, the tree frog secretion is used to help with a variety of holistic healing from purification of the body to spiritual clarity . Learn more about Kambo here.

  • Ancient Egyptian Yoga, Intuitive, Vinyasa, Kundalini, or Restorative Yoga. You will flow with breath and movement through postures. Classes may include yoga asana (movement), pranayama (breathwork), meditation, intuitive practice, energy healing, grounding, sound healing-singing bowls/gongs, ect, and qi gong techniques. Type, difficulty, and speed will be discussed and tailored before practice. See yoga section for more information.

  • After a little movement, you will lay in savasana, relaxed on laying down, while you are guided to a state of yoga nidra, or yogic sleep. This works deeply with the subconscious to burn away obstacles to your true state of bliss. Specific topics will be chosen to tailor to your healing needs after a consultation. Learn more here.

  • You will lay in savasana or a relaxed pose as you are bathed in sound from gongs, crystal pyramid, crystal bowls made with fair trade mostly 432 Hz Nepal quartz crystals, or a variety of other instruments. This helps your body come closer to the tones of the frequency of the sounds to promote healing and relaxation. Connect for a session today.

  • Celeste is a master in reiki from Usui lineage, trained in Sat Nam Rasayan, and in Ancient Egyptian Healing techniques. These modalities compliment each other well and can be used for a unique healing. The aim is to provide the frequency for your body and spirit to remove energetic blockages and place the highest light into your being. Connect to learn more.

  • Sept 24-Oct 4 2025 Visit Ancient Egyptian Temples to open your creativity and inner light. Learn more here.

    Weekend retreats are offered around Asheville, NC for Ancient Egyptian and Yogic Practices typically around 4 days each. See retreats section for more information.

    Personal retreats are also welcome to deep dive into a particular need around soul’s purpose or removing blockages. All offerings can be included within the retreat. Please reach out to Celeste to discuss.

  • Breathwork, meditation, and group connection are all incorporated in order to help with issues of burnout, disconnect, and the daily stresses of a group environment. Please reach out to Celeste to learn more how your group can increase their cohesion together.

Mallory C

“Celeste is the ultimate guide that you could ever want/need. At times when I was struggling or even when I wasn’t, she was always able to guide me when I felt lost. She truly helped me shape my confidence, direction and past struggles bringing them to light.”

Guidance to your heart spirit connection

The goal of Celestial Union is to be a guide into your own knowing. We believe we shouldn’t rely on any teacher in order to connect with the soul of ourselves; we only need the guidance and support on the remembrance of who we are. We want to celebrate your gifts as we hold your shadow with loving affection. We want you to understand your unique energy and how it relates to the world around you. We want to guide you to your radiance for the world.

Celestial Union offers many tools of ancient wisdoms and practices including Ancient Egyptian, Ancient India, Traditional Japanese, Ancient Amazonian and sprinkles of other traditions as well. There is a firm belief that all ancient teachings have the same core wisdoms that can be weaved into an understanding that fits everyone where they are. The goal with any connection is to shine light to the infinite beauty that is creation and lead you back to harmony and awe within and around you.

Meet Founder Celeste

Visit Egypt 2025


Visit Egypt 2025 *

Sept 24-Oct 4 2025

11 Day Temple Awakening Retreat: Connecting with the Deities of Light

Ancient Egyptian Temple Activations with Meditation, Ritual, & Integrations

Come to deep awareness of your unique energy through interplay with the Ancient Egyptian temples with support of mediation, ritual, and integration. Your three guides are initiates of Mut, Amon Ra, and Thoth, god and goddesses of the great mother, create force, and holder of wisdom. Combined, we offer you a journey from the celestial waters of potential, the willed force of creation, and the wisdom to manifest and live a life in balance. You will be brought to temples that can activate your potential of your unique create force, breathing life into whatever you want to see manifested through right relation with the neters (natural energies of creation). This is a journey into your light in Aswan, Luxor, Dendera, and Abydos.

Celeste’s Ancient Egyptian Energy

Ancient Egypt utilized the different natural forms of energies for their gods and goddess called Neters. They were grand students of the cosmos, nature, and had a connection to the divine. Each Neter represented a different energy they could observe and embody. I am blessed to be an initiated at the House of Life in Egypt under the energy of goddess Mut.

Mut is the Ancient Egyptian Goddess of Union and the great divine mother. She has a deep understanding of the primeval waters, god Nun, the space of which all of life is played. As a vulture goddess, she flies high, close to divinity, and can transmute disease into potent loving energy. She is the partner of Amun Ra, and helps this creation god manifest life in harmony.

“This is the energy I strive to embody and bring forward as a gift; To hold the deepest knowing of the space where we are not separate, where all potential lives, where all love lives. Through this space holding, souls are safe to explore their hearts to manifest their unique potential creation story.”

Learn how to work with Ancient Egyptian energies here.

Find Your Bliss through Harmonizing with Nature