Yoga Nidra, or Yogic Sleep, helps to transform deep seeded blockages and guide you to the rejuvenating bliss state.
What is Yoga Nidra?
The state of bliss.
The Delta brainwave state of deep dreamless sleep.
Arrival to a state of rejuvenation, relaxation, and oneness.
The state of consciousness where deep insights of yourself arise and the opportunity to burn away samskaras and become aware of union.
In the journey we relax and deepen into the physical, subtle, and casual body. In this deep sleep state, you can explore your deep impressions (samskaras), releasing trapped energy back to the source. In this energetic play, you have the ability to meet these roots of suffering head on. In true transformation, your consciousness is propelled into the non-dual Yoga Nidra state.
Rejuvenate Now
Yoga Nidra for Resolutions and Uprooting Blockages
Listen to the Audio for a FREE full Yoga Nidra journey. This is for general resolution and removal of blockages. Reach out for tailored Yoga Nidra to target specific areas you would like to address that could help you reach the Yoga Nidra state of Bliss.
Yoga Nidra as a Practice
When we refer to Yoga Nidra as a practice, we are referencing the guided sleeplike journey to relax your body, connect into your subconscious and unlock blockages allowing you to enter into the state of bliss-of oneness-of Yoga Nidra.
Benefits of Yoga Nidra
Yoga Nidra’s main goal is to reach the state of bliss and transform blockages. However, there are a variety of benefits that can come with this journeying:
A calm mind
Reduced stress, tension, anxiety
Improved health
Help with “autonomic symptoms of high anxiety such as headaches, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, sweating, and abdominal pain” -Chitra Sukhu
Improve PTSD
More restful sleep
Spiritual exploration
Remove deep seeded blockages
Increase in presence
Ability to broaden perspectives
A 45 minutes session is equivalent to three hours of sleep
Empowers the body to heal
A 2022 study showed “positive physiological changes, including improvements in several hematological variables, red blood cell counts, blood glucose levels, and hormonal status. Two neuroimaging studies have shown that yoga nidra produces changes in endogenous dopamine release and cerebral blood flow”
SS Saraswati, JK Hiti, states it as to “learn to enter the state between sleep and wakefulness without loss of awareness”
Brain waves enter into states of relaxation and rejuvenation
Enter into the bliss state of oneness
The Journey of the Practice
You will begin by relaxing and softening the physical body. This includes light movement to open joints and pathways of the body to prepare to be still. Laying down, a body scan leads you into stillness where your consciousness can begin it’s journey. An intention is made called a Sankalpa. This prayer guides the direction of the journey. Transitioning with light breathwork, you are lead through sound into a journey of the mind. Entering into the subconscious you can work on lucid awareness of blockages in our mind. This is a purification process of transforming that which no longer serves you. The journey will continue into the state of loving awareness and ultimately the state of bliss, union, love, and deep relaxation.
Yoga Nidra is a practice of surrender, allowing us to connect with infinite bliss.
How do you get the most benefit?
The most benefit will be from multiple 1:1 sessions typically. After a discussion, the practices can be tailored to opening certain blockages with relevant imagery. Committing to multiple sessions will allow time to slowly work with your subconscious. The more consistent sessions allows for your subconscious to become more trusting of the process and relax for the release of blockages. However, one session alone or group practices have many great benefits for immediate relaxation.
Can Yoga Nidra be incorporated in 1:1 mentorship?
Absolutely, Yoga Nidra can be apart of any on going mentorship as we see is necessary. We will work together to discuss needs each week on our calls or meetings.
What is the investment?
1 session- General with no discovery-$111
Personalized sessions (3 sessions, discovery call, one general session, & 2 personal sessions)- $450
Personalized sessions (6 sessions, discovery call, one general session, & 5 personal sessions)$750
Personalized sessions after a 6 sessions and working on same topic from 6 session- $111 each
Integration Calls- 1 hr $111
Yoga Nidra can also be a part of the 1:1 mentorship and would be included in the price.
Can these be online or in person?
These can be done online and in person. Both in person and online can experience the light healing of the singing bowls if being used during particular times of the journey. As long as you have good internet connection, you should be able to experience the same as someone in person. In person may require more investment if travel is involved.
What is happening to my brain waves?
You have the opportunity to still the mind and journey through all major brainwaves of Beta, Alpha, and arrive at the Delta state. You will typically enter at Beta brainwaves, the state of awake or, less likely, Gamma the state of peak performance of action. Moving into Alpha, you move into relaxation and non-thinking. In Theta, you have deep relation and potential of mental images. Finally, you enter into the state of Delta, the bliss state of deep dreamless sleep. The ultimate space for rejuvenation and healing.
Why does Yoga Nidra use sound and not other senses?
Celeste's Yoga Nidra teacher, Chitra Sukhu, expressed about Yoga Nidra and sound, "We use the sense of sound to help guide us into the deeper layers of our being, into the causal body where sound still operates, then we let go of even that when we enter the state of Turiya [Pure Consciousness]. Sound can go with us further than any of the other is the subtlest sense..."