Kambo; Purification Frog Medicine
Kambo: The frog medicine of homeostasis
Kambo, a medicinal secretion of frog, is a traditional holistic natural remedy.
The Amazonian tribesmen have been using Kambo traditionally for as long as we know for many benefits:
Healing and cleansing of the body
Bringing the body to homeostasis
Physical strength and stamina
Spiritual and mental clarity
Luck and zest of life
In modern times, people have used Kambo for a variety of ways. Although no public studies have been conducted on Kambo other than expressing the peptides in the secretion, many people account helping for a variety of issues:
Removing Chemicals and Toxins in Body
Fertility in Women
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Alzheimer's Disease
Parkinson’s Disease
and much more.
While you drink water, the dots of kambo will be prepared. Then we will burn the gates, small circles of the first layer of your skin. This will open your skin to be able to receive the medicine. Once the medicine is applied, it will go through your lymph system and be carried to your circulator system and the whole body.
From the void to a spark of creation. A typical session will begin with an increased heart rate, heat rising, and nauseous feeling. From there any type of purging may happen as your body adapts and strengthens to the medicine. From application, it can last about 20 minutes or longer depending on what you are processing. You will have support along the way to help you purge and surrender to the medicine.
Scientific Research
Bioactive peptides are organic substances formed by amino acids joined by covalent bonds known as amide or peptide bonds and they play a significant role in human health by affecting the digestive, endocrine, cardiovascular, immune, and nervous systems. Bioactive peptides can improve the treatment of various diseases and disorders, thus increasing the quality of life.
Vittorio Erspamer, an Italian pharmacologist and chemist, published an article based on his studies of peptides in Phyllomedusa frog in 1985 stating Kambo as “a huge factory and store-house of active peptides” .
From the 1992 study of Vittorio Erspamer and John Daly, the first western study on Kambo, Kambo was found to contain 16 bioactive peptides including: Adenoregulin, bombesin, bombesin-nonapeptide, bradykinin, caerulein, deltorphin, dermaseptin, neurokinin B, phyllomedusin, phyllocaerulein, phyllokinin, phyllolitorin, preprotachykinin B, ranatachykinin A, sauvagine, T-kinin and urechis tachykinin.
Each peptide is having a different function and is responsible for different physical symptoms one can have during a Kambo session, like nausea, vomiting, facial flush, tachycardia, changes in blood pressure, sweating, abdominal discomfort and urge for defecation etc. Many of the healing effects are also directly related to the peptides as some of them are antimicrobial, anti inflammatory, antidepressant, analgesic, strength enhancing, stress relieving or supportive for vital cellular processes.
The wide range of the peptides found in the Phyllomedusa bicolor frog and the number of different application areas has been the main focus for the researchers. Many peptides have been synthesized and patented as they have a great potential to create new and better pharmaceutical medicines. This has been criticized by the Brazilian organization Amazonlink, saying the frog forms part of the traditional knowledge of local tribes and the pharma industry is taking advantage of the natives for their commercial interests without giving anything back. Patenting of Third World flora and fauna by companies of the industrialized world is nothing more than biopiracy.
More information about the scientific research can be found here and here.
After contacting, you will be asked to confirm you have read the precautions and state you have none of the above conditions and discussed any medication you are on. It is your responsibility that you understand the health risk of any condition or medication. All inquiries will have a discussion before hand, so if you are unsure if you qualify we can have a discussion.
There is no direct clinical research done on Kambo. Although studies on Kambo have shown at least 16 peptides found. These means we can infer what is happening at a scientific level, but have no direct public studies. All of the information shared on Kambo is based on experiences of different practitioners and users.
It is important that you read the following precautions in order to make sure that Kambo is safe for you. It is important to be honest and share your wellbeing, medical history, and use of medications or drugs.
Precautions need to be taken if a person has some of the following conditions :
• Very low blood pressure or when on blood pressure medication
• General heart problems
• Brain hemorrhage
• Aneurysms or blood clots
• Addison’s Disease
• Esophageal varices
• Pancreatitis
• Taking immune-suppressants for organ transplant
• Recovering from a major surgical procedure
• Undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy
• Epilepsy
• Schizophrenia
• Psychosis
• Pregnancy
Many names of Kambo
Spanish conquistadors: Sapo
Matsés tribe: Acate/Daowke
Latin: Phyllomedusa bicolor
English: Giant Waxy Monkey Tree Frog
Meet the Frog
The Phyllomedusa bicolor frog is named for his multi color body, a protection from predators from above but an indication of where he is from below. Their English name “Giant waxy monkey tree frog” is an indication to how he grapples like a monkey as opposed to hopping like most frogs. Their bodies a waxy texture that secrete the medicine when needing protection.
The frog is mostly found in the dark by its mating call bark. The tribesmen are able to intimidate the call in order to find them for secretion. The ledge says that grandmother medicine lead a man of the Kaxinawá tribe to the frog when his village was sick. She explained the process and when applied, healed his tribe. They continued to use the medicine to stay healthy and active.
Secretion Extraction
The Kambo sticks used in our sessions are collected from a Matsés family. They ensure the frogs are not over harvested and receive a quick harvest of medicine. This is important not only for the frog’s well being but to ensure potent medicine as well.
To harvest the medicine, the Matsés bark at the frog and follow it’s response. Once finding the frog, it is pretty relaxed and grabs onto a stick to be harvested. The Matsés will later tie the frog with its four legs suspended on four wooden sticks. The Matsés will then activate the frog to secrete the medicine by rubbing its body and creating a sense of danger. A white, slimy secretion comes off his glands and side body and it is collected onto a flat kambo stick. The frog is not harmed in this process, but it is still uncomfortable and should be done with respect. Once the extraction is done, the frog is released back to it’s natural habitat. They will still have enough poison in case it is needed for protection in the wild if harvested correctly.
Traditionally the strings used to tight the frog are made from a vine which can be unpleasant. The sticks used in our Kambo sessions are harvested using a thicker, softer and elastic strings, making the process more comfortable for the frog. At Celestial Union, when serving the medicine, we spread the medicine as thin as possible. This will not change the potency of the session, but will allow for less waste. We also have other techniques to gain a potent session without the need as as many gates.